A newborn Greenseed Moa in a large enclosure.

Moa Breeding

Moas are tempted and bred with Oranges harvested from Orange trees. The offspring will have an equal chance of inheriting the pattern of each parent unless a special breeding result exists. Children will inherit improved stats from their parent meaning that the children will have equal or better stats.

Breeding Moas does not immediately spawn the child, instead dropping a Moa Egg that must be incubated in either an Incubator or Moa Nest block. Incubation is affected by multiple factors, which you can read about in the Incubation Guide.

Moa Variants

Moa VariantBiome Spawn Locations (Weight)AffinitiesBreeding Parents
Highlands BlueHighlands (50)
Highlands Forest (45)
Drop Multiplier
Highlands CyanHighlands (30)Gliding Decay
MintgrassHighlands Thicket (45)
Highlands (35)
Gliding Speed
GoldenrodWisteria Woods (45)
Highlands Forest (25)
Highlands Shield (10)
Ground Speed
TangerineHighlands Thicket (45)
Highlands Forest (15)
Jumping Strength
Goldenrod +
Strawberry Wistar
Strawberry WistarWisteria Woods (45)Gliding Speed
Blackcurrant WistarWisteria Woods (29)Gliding Decay
GreyhoundAutumnal Tundra (15)
Continental Plateau (15)
Ground Speed
FrostgrassAutumnal Tundra (10)
Continental Plateau (10)
Jumping Strength
FoxtrotHighlands Shield (4)Gliding Decay
Tangerine +
ScarletWisteria Woods (2)Ground Speed
Highlands Blue +
Strawberry Wistar
RedhoodHighlands Thicket (5)Max Health
Foxtrot +
Highlands Blue
MoonstruckHighlands Thicket (5)Gliding Speed
Redhood +
Strawberry Wistar
5% at night
GreenseedBreeding ExclusiveJumping Strength
Scarlet +
AquilanBreeding ExclusiveGliding Speed
Greyhound +